Dive into the world of Natural Language Processing! Explore cutting-edge NLP roles that match your skills and passions.
Explore NLP JobsImagine you have a clients list, suppliers list, or investment portfolio…
You have their names in a Google Sheets™ spreadsheet but you need other details…
If you need to look up details of large numbers of UK-registered companies in a spreadsheet, and you’re not even sure if they’re spelt correctly, you can try the UK Company Details Google Sheets™ plugin
It quickly and effortlessly finds details such as company number from Companies House.
UK Company Details Google Sheets™ Plugin
Looking for experts in Natural Language Processing? Post your job openings with us and find your ideal candidate today!
Post a JobAbove: video of the AICamp meetup in London on 10 December 2024. Harmony starts at 40:00 - the first talk is by Connor Leahy of Conjecture
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