Harmonising mental health data

· Thomas Wood
Harmonising mental health data

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We excited to announce that we are working on a new project called Harmony for the Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize - this uses natural language processing to combine data in the social sciences from different questionnaires, such as the GAD-7 and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, even when the questionnaires are in different languages!

You can read more about the Wellcome Data Prizes here, and you can find out more about Harmony here.

The team at Harmony is made up of:

  • Bettina Moltrecht, PhD (UCL)
  • Dr Eoin McElroy (University of Ulster)
  • Dr George Ploubidis (UCL)
  • Dr Mauricio Scopel Hoffman (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil)
  • Thomas Wood (Fast Data Science)

Here is an interesting radio programme about the Wellcome Trust Data Prize in mental health from the South African radio station Fabrik FM.

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