Ai in research

Fast Data Science presents Harmony at AICamp
Ai in research

Fast Data Science presents Harmony at AICamp

Above: video of Thomas Wood presenting Harmony at the AICamp meetup on 27 March 2024 Tech Talk at the AICamp AI Meetup (London) on AI, Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) Update: you can download the slides from the presentation here

Harmony reaches final of Wellcome Trust Data Prize
Ai in research

Harmony reaches final of Wellcome Trust Data Prize

We are excited to announce that our data harmonisation project Harmony has reached the final round of the Wellcome Data Prize in Mental Health.

Data Science and Mental Health
Ai in research

Data Science and Mental Health

Can data science be used to improve mental health? Can we use data analysis to deal with mental health problems like depression and dementia, or to monitor and improve the symptoms of impaired cognitive function, for example?

Publication announced
Ai in research

Publication announced

Our NLP research has been published in Gates Open Research! Clinical trials are the backbone of medical progress, but a worrying trend is emerging: a large portion end without delivering useful results.

Video about Harmony
Ai in research

Video about Harmony

Do you need to compare questionnaire data across studies? Are the items inconsistent, or are there different versions of the same questionnaire floating around?

Harmonising Unstructured Text Data with NLP in Psychology  (Harmony project)
Ai in research

Harmonising Unstructured Text Data with NLP in Psychology (Harmony project)

We have been developing a tool using Natural Language Processing which is designed to help researchers in the social sciences to harmonise datasets from different contexts.

Harmonising mental health data
Ai in research

Harmonising mental health data

We excited to announce that we are working on a new AI research project called Harmony for the Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize - this uses natural language processing to combine data in the social sciences from different questionnaires, such as the GAD-7 and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, even when the questionnaires are in different languages!

How similar are Neural Networks to our Brains?
Ai in research

How similar are Neural Networks to our Brains?

There are many differences between deep neural networks and the human brain, although neural networks were biologically inspired. When was the last time you looked at a picture of an animal, bird or plant, couldn’t place it straight away and were left flabbergasted?

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Transform Unstructured Data into Actionable Insights

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