Legal ai

Legal AI
Legal ai

Legal AI

Legal AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated almost every sector, bringing significant changes and advancements. The legal industry, traditionally known for its reliance on human expertise and extensive paperwork, is no exception.

The Impact of AI in the Legal Industry
Legal ai

The Impact of AI in the Legal Industry

We examine the potential influence of machine learning and AI on the legal industry. AI has transformed a number of industries but has not yet had a disruptive impact on the legal industry.

Legal ai

Insolvency Bot: legal NLP

Insolvency Bot An insolvency bot leveraging LLMs to answer questions about English insolvency law, using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Legal chatbot using natural language processing to answer corporate insolvency questions
Legal ai

Legal chatbot using natural language processing to answer corporate insolvency questions

Insolvency bot, taking into account some statute law and some forms and some case law We have developed a bot using natural language processing to demonstrate the power of legal AI and legal NLP.

AI for legal reasoning
Legal ai

AI for legal reasoning

Can symbolic AI, or machine learning, or hybrid AI (a mixture of the two), be used for legal reasoning? I have been looking into the problem of legal reasoning with AI.

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