Fast Data Science news

Grow your business with AI and NLP

Is generative AI a threat to creative industries?
Generative ai

Is generative AI a threat to creative industries?

The AI ethics debate: does generative AI harm creative industries? What role will AI play in creative industries in the future?

Fast Clinical AI
Ai in pharma

Fast Clinical AI

Fast Clinical AI We are developing a natural language processing (NLP) tool, Fast Clinical AI, for identifying risk, cost, recruitment and enrolment criteria, and consent complexities of clinical trials using natural language processing, which can be integrated to data sources from trial management platforms, allowing pharma companies to leverage AI in their operations.

Will AI replace doctors, lawyers, writers, engineers, or radiologists?
Ai in healthcare

Will AI replace doctors, lawyers, writers, engineers, or radiologists?

In 2016, the British computer scientist and Turing Award winner Geoffrey Hinton stated: We should stop training radiologists now. It’s just completely obvious that within five years, deep learning is going to do better than radiologists.

Finance named entity recognition
Ai in financeNatural language processing

Finance named entity recognition

Some finance companies have contacted Fast Data Science with a need for a very customised named entity recognition solution. Clients prepare lists of investments which could be funds or companies, and request a check on those companies.

Business uses of natural language processing - the 2024 capabilities of NLP
Natural language processingAi for business

Business uses of natural language processing - the 2024 capabilities of NLP

What is NLP in business environments? Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of AI (Artificial Intelligence), empowering computers to not just understand but also process and generate language in the same way that humans do.

The Impact of AI in the Legal Industry
Legal ai

The Impact of AI in the Legal Industry

We examine the potential influence of machine learning and AI on the legal industry. AI has transformed a number of industries but has not yet had a disruptive impact on the legal industry.

Understanding cities through foot traffic data analytics
Big data

Understanding cities through foot traffic data analytics

How can we analyse and predict pedestrian (foot traffic) data? In today’s hyperconnected world, our smartphones have become inseparable companions, constantly gathering and transmitting data about our whereabouts and movements.

Harmony reaches final of Wellcome Trust Data Prize
Ai in research

Harmony reaches final of Wellcome Trust Data Prize

We are excited to announce that our data harmonisation project Harmony has reached the final round of the Wellcome Data Prize in Mental Health.

Big data consulting - 4 most common problems solved
Big data

Big data consulting - 4 most common problems solved

Organisations of all scales and nearly across all sectors are now becoming increasingly data-driven, especially as larger data storage systems and faster computers continue to push the performance envelope.

Two revolutions 200 years apart: the Data Revolution and the Industrial Revolution
Ai ethics

Two revolutions 200 years apart: the Data Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

Because of the extensive use of technology, and the division of labour, the work of the average gig economy worker has lost all individual character, and, consequently, all charm for the employee.

AI in HR: Transforming the future of work
Ai for business

AI in HR: Transforming the future of work

The impact of AI on human resources The world of work is rapidly changing, both due to traditional data science practices being adopted by more organisations, and due to the increasing popularity of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, and Google’s BARD among non-technical workers.

Data Science and E-commerce - The 2023 Guide
Ai for business

Data Science and E-commerce - The 2023 Guide

When you shop online from a particular merchant for the first time, you handpick a few items you really like. The successive searches you do to buy again in future reveals a nice selection of products which you both find appealing and valuable.

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Transform Unstructured Data into Actionable Insights

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