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Post a JobWe have developed a bot using natural language processing to demonstrate the power of legal AI and legal NLP.
Fast Data Science have been working with a team of AI and legal experts at Royal Holloway University’s Department of Law and Criminology and the University of Surrey’s Department of Computer Science to generate a chatbot which can answer questions on corporate insolvency in England and Wales.
Using prompt engineering, generative models, and the text of key UK statute law such as the Insolvency Act 1986, important case law from the National Archives, and information on procedures from HMRC’s website, the system triages incoming queries and sends a smart and informative prompt to a generative model.
You can try the insolvency chatbot at this link.
The bot uses Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is a design pattern where we add an information retrieval component to a large language model (LLM), allowing us to add internal knowledge to the LLM’s capabilities.
The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.
We have used an innovative approach to evaluating the output of the bot, since it is a generative model, which are typically hard to evaluate. We use a human-defined mark scheme and use the LLM to assess the bot’s answers to test questions, and mark it as if it were taking a law exam.
We will take the insolvency bot’s response and pass it to GPT-4 with an accompanying “criterion” question such as Does the lawyer mention that piercing the corporate veil may occur as a result of the director breaching their fiduciary duties towards the company?. If the answer comes back ‘yes’, ‘maybe’, or as a yes with caveats, then points are awarded accordingly.
We have some validation scripts in our Github repo at: https://github.com/fastdatascience/evaluate_insolvency
We tried a number of variants of the bot, including one built around GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4, and tested it head-to-head against the unmodified versions of GPT.
We found that GPT-4 is much slower to respond than GPT-3.5 Turbo, but is considerably more precise in its answers.
Our team on this project has been cross-disciplinary, with members from different universities and industries. You can read their profiles here.
The Insolvency Bot was presented by Marton Ribary at JURIX 2023 (the 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems), held in Maastricht University, the Netherlands, on 19 December 2023. At this conference, we were able to connect with a number of fascinating projects which also involved use of AI and LLMs to improve access to justice (A2J), such as Toivonen et al’s presentation Beyond Debt: The Intersection of Justice, Financial Wellbeing and AI, and Margaret Hagan’s presentation Good AI Legal Help, Bad AI Legal Help: Establishing quality standards for responses to people’s legal problem stories.
Our paper was published in the JURIX conference proceedings. You can cite the project using the following citation:
@software{Ribary_Prompt_Engineering_and_2023, author = {Ribary, Marton and Krause, Paul and Orban, Miklos and Vaccari, Eugenio and Wood, Thomas Andrew}, doi = {10.3233/FAIA230979}, month = dec, title = {{Prompt Engineering and Provision of Context in Domain Specific Use of GPT}}, url = {https://fastdatascience.com/insolvency/}, year = {2023} }
Ribary, M., et al. Insolvency Bot: A GPT-based Legal Advice Tool for Small Businesses in Distress [Long Paper Version]. Zenodo, 12 Sept. 2023, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10029735.
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Can AI handle legal questions yet? We have compared the capabilities of the older and newer large language models (LLMs) on English and Welsh insolvency law questions, as a continuation of the Insolvency Bot project.
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