UK Company Details Google Sheets™ plugin

Fast Data Science has developed a Google Sheets™ add-on (plugin) which finds UK company names in a string and puts company details from Companies House (the UK company registry) in the next columns.

UK Company Details Google Sheets plugin

To use the add-on, simply select the range of cells that contain the text you want to search, and then click on the add-on icon in the toolbar. The add-on will then scan the selected cells and put the Companies House IDs of any company names it finds in the next columns.

UK Company Details Google Sheets™ Plugin

Install plugin

Install the free Google Sheets™ plugin for recognising drug names in unstructured text.

The add-on is very lightweight and easy to use, and it can be a great way to save time when you need to identify company names in a large amount of text.

UK Company Details only finds UK companies. Companies in other juristictions are not supported.

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